The Adelaide Ventricle Think Tank - Filled with ideas that just might work! (well some of them): Tag: Business

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The Adelaide Ventricle Think Tank

A repository of ideas? A repository of suppositories? Ideas to get the world moving, remove the blockages of bureaucracy and bureaucrats and just cut to the chase. Hey, we could even solve Ambulance ramping in Adelaide. Do you have a good idea to share with the tiny corner of the world looking at this page? Yes? Bring it on. Send it in and we'll have a look at publishing it. Fame, fortune, and maybe a novel fix to a societal problem could be just around the corner.

  • The Perpetual Motion Adelaide to Sydney Train Project Breaks Ground at Winpega.
    The Perpetual Motion Adelaide to Sydney Train Project (The PMATSTP) has broken ground in Adelaide this week with Premier Steve Marshall planting a tree at Winpega on the $2.1 billion project. The PMATSTP will use a series of existing and new undulating hills between Adelaide and Sydney for the F-Trains to move people and goods interstate at almost zero emission.
    Posted: Friday 25 February 2022
  • Spare Parts People Website Launched in Australia
    The innovative Spare Parts People business sweeping Asia has launched its Australian website in anticipation of a stock market IPO later this year. Spare Parts People is a business started in China by The Chinese Government that brokers body parts from living donors, although the model has come under fire for exploiting the poor.
    Posted: Wednesday 16 February 2022
  • BUSINESS: Young Student Sells Shares in Future Income to Pay For Degree
    In a novel approach Jack Student of Elizabeth in Adelaide has just sold the rights to 20% of his future earnings in order to pay for his Arts Degree.
    Posted: Friday 11 February 2022